sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Netspaces. Space and Place in a Networked World

Khatarine S. Willis (2016). Netspaces. Space and Place in a Networked World.
Farnham: Ashgate, 181 pp.

Carlos Nunes Silva (2016) - recensão / book review
In International Journal of E-Planning Research, Vol. 5 (3)

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2016

The Craft of Collaborative Planning

Jeff Bishop (2015). The Craft of Collaborative Planning: People working together to shape creative and sustainable places. London / New York: Routledge.

Carlos Nunes Silva (2016) - recensão / book review
in Town Planning Review,  87 (5)

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Luso Africana. Arquitectura e Urbanismo na África Portuguesa

José Manuel Fernandes (2015). Luso Africana. Arquitectura  e Urbanismo na África Portuguesa. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio, 285 pp.